Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Winter Blues

Its lunchtime and my energy level is now down to 10%. I badly need a can of redbull.
My mornings are a rush. And this morning was INSANELY tiresome.
I brought the kids to school. Prepped their brekky and lunches.
Walked back to my office. Answered emails and numerous phonecalls.
Attended Tenants concerns. Reported to my Boss.
I started pulling my uncombed hair down and realized I AM TIRED. I AM HUNGRY.
I blame it on this COLD WINTER WEATHER! coupled with the rain pouring outside.
Sydney is definitely officially cold!  My days are now gloomy and nights are dreary.
No, Winter does not agree with me, and neither do I, with her.

When Mother nature has gone psycho:
My clients laugh at me because I’m wrapped in my coat inside the office the whole day.
I shiver in the chilled foods aisle at the grocery.
I whinge as soon as the temperature falls below 25C.
Computer work is a challenge when my hands are stone cold.
I think of a lot of excuses so we can order home delivery and so I will not cook.
Sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything but curl up in bed and sleep all day.
I tend to spend too much on Winter clothes.

My prayers:

Lord please help me survive this season.

Lord please don't make it too cold.

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